"award boards" の検索結果 48 件

  1. ヴィンテージナイロンジャケット!


    こんにちは、福岡の古着屋タイドマークです。本日はこちらの商品を紹介したいと思います。~60’s Hutchers Nylon JacketSize・Fit Like L実寸サイズ肩幅ラグラン 身幅60cm 着丈56cm 袖丈(脇下)45cmPRICE¥24,800+TAX(¥27,280)~60年代のナイロンジャケット。古くて少し柔らかめのナイロン生地で、白ボディに裏地付き。古い白にしては、...

  2. スタジャン2着!


    こんにちは、福岡の古着屋タイドマークです。本日は入荷の中からこちらを紹介したいと思います!DEADSTOCK ~80’s Holloway Award JacketSize・M実寸サイズ肩幅cm 身幅cm 着丈cm 袖丈cmPRICE¥18,000+TAX(¥19,800)スタジャンではお馴染みのHolloway保管状態の良いデッドストック品。ウールボディはフカフカでレザー袖もクセの無いグッ...

  3. ファイナリストでした〜


    第10回Japan Six-Sheet Award 2022一般公募部門課題:エンゼルパイ金賞?銀賞?銅賞?… 惜しくもファイナリストでした~AD/D 鈴木誠IL 丸山誠司https://www.six-sheet.com/archive/2022.htmlシックスシートフォーマット(タテ1755mm×ヨコ1185mm)の屋外広告コンペ

  4. Award Management Software Market Trends, Estimates, High Demand by 2028

    Award Management Software Market Trends, Estimates, High Demand by 2028

    Award Management Software Industry OverviewThe global award management software market size is anticipated to reach USD 1.1 billion by 2028, expanding at a CAGR of 8.2% from 2021 to 2028, according...

  5. Boats as we all know are mainly meant for rides and entertainment

    Boats as we all know are mainly meant for rides and entertainment

    Boats as we all know are mainly meant for rides and entertainment. At times they are the only means of transport. Boats do play an important part in rescuing men in times of danger. The rescue boat...

  6. 第22回前田真三賞および『風景写真』フォトコンテスト 表彰式開催!

    第22回前田真三賞および『風景写真』フォトコンテスト 表彰式開催!


  7. This will help you in shopping and you will not waste time in checking out

    This will help you in shopping and you will not waste time in checking out

    Usually parents do not have much information when they go to a toy store and buy rc boat for their kid. Well, this time you will have to get as much information before you buy this toy. In this way...

  8. Acrylic materials are everywhere in life

    Acrylic materials are everywhere in life

    生活中一无所有Acrylic material is not only a good industrial material but also has the reputation of plastic crystal. Clear, transparent, bright, and high plasticity, there are more and more trends in the...

  9. My story with the inflatable paddle board

    My story with the inflatable paddle board

    I was born in a small seaside city . People in this city are very friendly, they all love and respect the sea.So my daily life is inseparable from the sea.My first exposure to paddle boards was in ...

  10. 2 Layer F4B ENIG PCB

    2 Layer F4B ENIG PCB

    Number of layers: 2Surface finish: ENIGBase material: F4B PCBMin. hole diameter: 0.8mmOuter Layer W: 6milOuter layer S: 6milThickness: 1.0mm As a printed circuit board company, we have types of pcb...

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